The Department of Feeder Roads is an agency under the ministry of Roads and Highways. The Ministry of Roads and Highways is in charge of road infrastructure agencies.
These agencies are the Ghana Highways Authority, the Department of Feeder Roads and the Department of Urban Roads as well as Ghana Road Fund. All policy objectives and
initiatives are therefore in sink with the ministry of Roads and Highways
The Department oF Roads endeavours to provide its clients/customers with all the information they need to access our services..
Information sheets, pamphlets are available at our client/customer service units.
A suggestion box is also available at our client/customer service unit to facilitate feedback on the quality of our services..
Client/customer services surveys are conducted once a year and the result published..
We provide a clean, healthy and friendly reception area. .
The DFR exists to ensure the provision of safe, all-weather and accessible feeder roads at optimum cost to facilitate the movement of people, goods and services and to promote socio-economic development through the use of relevant technologies with committed and motivated staff
All Weather Accessible Feeder Roads for Accelerated National Growth
Team-Work,innovation,economy, efficiency, accountability, quality, effectiveness, transparency, timeliness, professionalism,respect for employees, social responsibility, honesty and integrity.
The Department oF Roads administers the feeder roads network and related facilities in Ghana. Re-introduction of Labour-Based Technology (LBT).The Department of Feeder Roads (DFR) has since 1986 been promoting in Ghana
the use of Labour Based Technology (LBT) in the rehabilitation and maintenance of feeder roads in creating employment. This policy was reintroduced in 2009. A key successful factor for the project is the
prompt payment of contractors for works done. As of May 2014, payments of invoices for works executed under LBT have been very timely/prompt through a special concession by the Ghana Road Fund.
Provide improved all year round access for the movement of people and goods to facilitate the promotion of economic activities and access to social services in rural communities.
Protect and preserve investments made on improved roads and bridges through adequate maintenance of procedures.
Provide employment opportunities for the rural poor by encouraging a greater use of labor based road construction technology.
Use sound economic and technical criteria for feeder road investment for rehabilitation and construction activities.
Implement measures to mitigate the negative environmental impact of road schemes.
Assist in the development of the technical capacity of Municipal and District Assemblies to facilitate the decentralization process and for the effective supervision and maintenance of feeder roads.
Ensure the safety, comfort and convenience of the travelling public
Minimise vehicle-operating cost and reduce travel time
Assist the District and Municipal Assemblies in the prioritization and selection of roads for improvement using the Road Prioritization Methodology (RPM).
Put in place a sound monitoring system to ensure that works are executed within the planned budget and time and to the right quality standard.
Build the capacity of contractors to enable them render quality services.
Make inputs into policy formulation of the sector on feeder roads
Plan, develop and maintain feeder road networks and related bridge works.
Undertake research to support the department’s planning, development and maintenance activities.
Develop design standards and guidelines for different classes of feeder roads for implementation by relevant stakeholders
Ensure an effective information management system on feeder roads.
Initiate the development and implementation of human resource management policies, systems and programmes with other stakeholders to enhance service delivery.
Implement capacity building programmes for DFR staff, contractors and other stakeholders to attain efficiency.
Collaborate with other MDAs to provide technical backstopping on strategic feeder road related programmes and projects.
Procure goods, works and services of contractors for the development and maintenance of feeder roads and related bridges.
Ensure the adherence to labour standards, environmental, health and safety related issues during execution of feeder road contracts.
Systematic compilation of data which can be accessible to the public on demand in the shortest possible time.
Continued improvement in our service delivery.
Provision of information in an open and transparent manner.
High levels of efficiency and integrity in the vetting and precessing of payment certificates/ invoices for payment of contracts.